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Install a Zano CLI Wallet (Ubuntu)

Step 1

Go to the official site: and navigate to the downloads section

Step 2

Download Linux (Ubuntu 16.04+) CLI Wallet

alt install-zano-cli-wallet-step-3

Step 3

Right click the file and select Properties

alt install-zano-cli-wallet-step-4

Step 4

Copy the file name

alt install-zano-cli-wallet-step-5

Step 5

Open a terminal in this directory & validate the authenticity of the file by running a checksum (XXX represents your version):

sha256sum zano-linux-x64-v<XXX>.tar.bz2

(Results should match release notes from Download page)

alt install-zano-cli-wallet-step-6-1 alt install-zano-cli-wallet-step-6-2

Step 6

If checksums match, decompress & extract the .tar.bz2 file:

tar -xvjf zano-linux-x64-release-devtools-v1.5.0.143[336fac2].tar.bz2

alt install-zano-cli-wallet-step-7

Steps 7-9

  1. Delete your original .tar.bz2 file
  2. Move the Zano folder to a location of your choice
  3. Within the Zano directory, open a terminal and run the daemon to start the node and download the blockchain:

alt install-zano-cli-wallet-step-8-10-1 alt install-zano-cli-wallet-step-8-10-2

Step 11

Wait for the blockchain to download and sync. This may take quite a few hours, depending on your download speed. And leave the daemon running! We’ll need that to create our new wallet.

alt install-zano-cli-wallet-step-11

Step 12

Once sync is complete, open another terminal in the Zano directory with the simplewalletbinary—that's our CLI wallet executable. Give command:

./simplewallet --generate-new-wallet=name.wallet

Replace “name” with your new wallet’s name, e.g.,:

./simplewallet --generate-new-wallet=zanocli.wallet

alt install-zano-cli-wallet-step-12

Step 13

When asked, enter a password for your wallet. You should use a password generator, found in password managers such as KeePass.

alt install-zano-cli-wallet-step-13

Steps 14-15

  1. To open your new wallet, give the following command in the same terminal (again, substituting "name"):
./simplewallet --wallet-file name.wallet
  1. Enter your password, when prompted. Notice that the wallet displays your receive address after “Opened wallet.” You will use this to fund your new wallet.

alt install-zano-cli-wallet-step-15

Steps 16-17

  1. Now we must get our wallet’s seed phrase, as well as set an additional password for the seed itself. Give the command:
  1. Again, when prompted provide a password for the seed phrase you’re about to get. Confirm the password, and be sure to save both it and your seed phrase!!

alt install-zano-cli-wallet-step-17

You've successfully installed your new Zano Wallet!