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Inserts externally made asset ownership signature into the given transaction and broadcasts it.

URL: http:://


"id": 0,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "send_ext_signed_asset_tx",
"params": {
"eth_sig": "674bb56a5b4fa562e679ccacc4e69455e63f4a581257382191de6856c2156630b3fba0db4bdd73ffcfb36b6add697463498a66de4f1760b2cd40f11c3a00a7a8",
"expected_tx_id": "40fa6db923728b38962718c61b4dc3af1acaa1967479c73703e260dc3609c58d",
"finalized_tx": "ewogICJ2ZXJzaW9uIjogMSwgC....iAgInZpbiI6IFsgewogICAgIC",
"unlock_transfers_on_fail": false,
"unsigned_tx": "083737bcfd826a973f74bb56a52b4fa562e6579ccaadd2697463498a66de4f1760b2cd40f11c3a00a7a80000"

Request description:

    "eth_sig": HEX-encoded ETH signature (64 bytes)
"expected_tx_id": The expected transaction id. Tx won't be sent if the calculated one doesn't match this one. Consider using 'verified_tx_id' returned by 'decrypt_tx_details' call.
"finalized_tx": Base64-encoded finalized_tx data structure, which was received from emit_asset call.
"unlock_transfers_on_fail": If true, all locked wallet transfers, corresponding to the transaction, will be unlocked on sending failure. False by default.
"unsigned_tx": Base64-encoded unsigned transaction blob, which was received from emit_asset call.


"id": 0,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"status": "OK",
"transfers_were_unlocked": false

Response description:

    "status": Status of the call
"transfers_were_unlocked": If true, all input transfers that were locked when preparing this transaction, are now unlocked and may be spent. Can be true only upon sending failure and if requested.