Get loaded wallets list, userful for multi-wallet API
URL: http:://
"id": 0,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "mw_get_wallets",
"params": {
Request description:
"id": 0,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"wallets": [{
"wallet_id": 2,
"wi": {
"address": "ZxBvJDuQjMG9R2j4WnYUhBYNrwZPwuyXrC7FHdVmWqaESgowDvgfWtiXeNGu8Px9B24pkmjsA39fzSSiEQG1ekB225ZnrMTBp",
"balances": [{
"asset_info": {
"asset_id": "f74bb56a5b4fa562e679ccaadd697463498a66de4f1760b2cd40f11c3a00a7a8",
"current_supply": 500000000000000000,
"decimal_point": 12,
"full_name": "Zano wrapped ABC",
"hidden_supply": false,
"meta_info": "{ \"logo_url\": \"https:\/\/some.nice.logo.png\"}",
"owner": "f74bb56a5b4fa562e679ccaadd697463498a66de4f1760b2cd40f11c3a00a7a8",
"owner_eth_pub_key": "",
"ticker": "ZABC",
"total_max_supply": 1000000000000000000
"awaiting_in": 1000000000000,
"awaiting_out": 2000000000000,
"outs_amount_max": 2000000000000,
"outs_amount_min": 2000000000000,
"outs_count": 7,
"total": 100000000000000,
"unlocked": 50000000000000
"has_bare_unspent_outputs": false,
"is_auditable": false,
"is_watch_only": false,
"mined_total": 1000000000000,
"path": "\/some\/path\/to\/wallet\/file.zan",
"view_sec_key": "97d91442f8f3c22683585eaa60b53757d49bf046a96269cef45c1bc9ff7300cc"
Response description:
"wallets": Array of wallets
"wallet_id": Wallet ID
"address": Address
"balances": Balances hold by this wallet
"asset_info": Asset info details
"asset_id": Asset ID
"current_supply": Currently emitted supply for the given asset (ignored for REGISTER operation).
"decimal_point": Decimal point.
"full_name": Full name of the asset.
"hidden_supply": This field is reserved for future use and will be documented later.
"meta_info": Any other information associated with the asset, by default in a json format.
"owner": Owner's key, used only for EMIT and UPDATE validation, can be changed by transferring asset ownership.
"owner_eth_pub_key": [Optional] Owner's key in the case when ETH signature is used.
"ticker": Ticker associated with the asset.
"total_max_supply": Maximum possible supply for a given asset, cannot be changed after deployment.
"awaiting_in": Unconfirmed amount for receive
"awaiting_out": Unconfirmed amount for send
"outs_amount_max": Output's maximum amount
"outs_amount_min": Output's minimum amount
"outs_count": Number of total unspent outputs (including locked)
"total": Total coins available(including locked)
"unlocked": Unlocked coins available(the ones that could be used right now)
"has_bare_unspent_outputs": Flag indicating whether the wallet has bare unspent outputs(pre-zarcanum outputs)
"is_auditable": Flag indicating whether the wallet is auditable
"is_watch_only": Flag indicating whether the wallet is watch-only
"mined_total": Total amount mined
"path": Path to wallet file
"view_sec_key": View secret key