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Add given asset id to local whitelist. This whitelist is stored with the wallet file and reset in case of wallet resync or restoring wallet from seed phrase.

URL: http:://


"id": 0,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "assets_whitelist_add",
"params": {
"asset_id": "f74bb56a5b4fa562e679ccaadd697463498a66de4f1760b2cd40f11c3a00a7a8"

Request description:

    "asset_id": Asset id that needed to be added to local whitelist, asset_id must exist in the network


"id": 0,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"asset_descriptor": {
"current_supply": 500000000000000000,
"decimal_point": 12,
"full_name": "Zano wrapped USD",
"hidden_supply": false,
"meta_info": "Stable and private",
"owner": "f74bb56a5b4fa562e679ccaadd697463498a66de4f1760b2cd40f11c3a00a7a8",
"ticker": "ZUSD",
"total_max_supply": 1000000000000000000
"status": "OK"

Response description:

    "asset_descriptor": Details of the asset, recieved from node
"current_supply": Currently emitted supply for given asset (ignored for REGISTER operation)
"decimal_point": Decimal point
"full_name": Full name of the asset
"hidden_supply": This one reserved for future use, will be documented later
"meta_info": Any other information assetiaded with asset in a free form
"owner": Owner's key, used only for EMIT and UPDATE validation, could be changed by transferring asset ownership
"ticker": Ticker associated with asset
"total_max_supply": Maximum possible supply for given asset, can't be changed after deployment
"status": Status of the asset