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Emmit new coins of the the asset, that is controlled by this wallet.

URL: http:://


"id": 0,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "emit_asset",
"params": {
"asset_id": "40fa6db923728b38962718c61b4dc3af1acaa1967479c73703e260dc3609c58d",
"destinations": [{
"address": "ZxBvJDuQjMG9R2j4WnYUhBYNrwZPwuyXrC7FHdVmWqaESgowDvgfWtiXeNGu8Px9B24pkmjsA39fzSSiEQG1ekB225ZnrMTBp",
"amount": 10000000000000,
"asset_id": "cc608f59f8080e2fbfe3c8c80eb6e6a953d47cf2d6aebd345bada3a1cab99852"

Request description:

    "asset_id": Id of the asset to emit more coins
"destinations": Addresses where to receive emitted coins. Asset id in destinations should be set to 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
"address": Destination address
"amount": Amount to transfer to destination
"asset_id": Asset id to transfer


"id": 0,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"result_tx": "f74bb56a5b4fa562e679ccaadd697463498a66de4f1760b2cd40f11c3a00a7a8"

Response description:

    "result_tx": Id of transaction that carries asset registration command, asset would be registered as soon as transaction got confirmed