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Starting the daemon and the wallet application as RPC server

Starting the daemon and the wallet application as RPC server

Zano command-line wallet application (simplewallet) can be run in RPC server mode. In this mode it can be controlled by RPC calls via HTTP and be used as a back-end for an arbitrary service.

Starting the wallet in RPC server mode:

  1. Run zanod (the daemon application).
  2. Run simplewallet with the following options:
simplewallet --wallet-file PATH_TO_WALLET_FILE --password PASSWORD 
--rpc-bind-ip RPC_IP --rpc-bind-port RPC_PORT
--daemon-address DEAMON_ADDR:DAEMON_PORT --log-file LOG_FILE_NAME


PATH_TO_WALLET_FILE — path to an existing wallet file (should be created beforehand using --generate-new-wallet command);
PASSWORD — wallet password;
RPC_IP — IP address to bind RPC server to ( will be used if not specified);
RPC_PORT — TCP port for RPC server;
DEAMON_ADDR:DAEMON_PORT — daemon address and port (may be omitted if the daemon is running on the same machine with the default settings);
LOG_FILE_NAME — path and filename of simplewallet log file.

Examples in List of Wallet RPCs are given with assumption that the wallet application is running in RPC server mode and listening at

All amounts and balances are represented as unsigned integers and measured in atomic units — the smallest fraction of a coin. One coin equals 10^12 atomic units.